Construction on Habitat for Humanity of Nodaway County’s next home has begun as the organization named Mikeala McCoy and her family as its 12th partner. Habitat for Humanity of Nodaway County’s Executive Board and participants in the building trades program at the Northwest Technical School met the McCoy family Sept. 14 at the site of the future home, located at 114 W. Lincoln St. in Maryville, for a groundbreaking ceremony. “I think it's an amazing opportunity, and I was really surprised that I got it, and it really means a lot,” Mikeala said. When the home is complete, she will take ownership of the property and reside there with her daughter, Kimberlynn, and brother, Noah. McCoy, who grew up in Parnell, is employed at Parkdale Manor and is a student at North Central Missouri College with plans to become a nurse. She lives in an apartment complex and never imagined having the ability to afford a house, but the resources Habitat offers its partner families are helping home